8 Low/No Cost Self-Care Practices to help you reset
Some days I wake up and carry out my day feeling energized, motivated and really grounded.
Some days I have moments or wake up feeling off, frustrated, drained or just not my best.
When I’m not feeling my best, I like to honor that, be patient with myself. But when the time is right, I need to get going to keep on moving forward with my day.
For these moments, I have a few go-to’s that really help me. So, take what resonates, here are 8 things I do to get present and energize myself to move forward with my day.
Wash your face
It’s simple and effective. When you wash your face, you get rid of any physical dirt on your skin, but if you’re intentional about it you can use it as a metaphor for clearing any energy that is no longer serving you.
I like to look at myself in the eye, check-in and say something positive that I need to hear at that moment. It’s refreshing.
2. Make a healthy, hearty meal
To me, nothing is as refreshing as a hearty, healthy meal that was prepared with care, specifically by me - for me. Some self-love right there.
Cooking has always been an easy way for me to show the people around me I care for them, and to show myself I care for her too.
I love finding recipes online, especially ones made by holistic nutritionists, dietitians, etc. You can find very healthy recipes that incorporate whole foods and nutrients that benefit you in so many ways. Food is fuel, and when you make good food, it helps you feel good too.
3. Light a candle
Alicia Keys said she sets intentions for this moment when she lights every candle. Ever since I heard that, I began the ritual too.
It’s so powerful to take a moment to breathe and set the intention for how you want to feel in the moment.
It allows you to reset and consciously choose how you want the rest of your day to go, or at least the next little while.
4. Take a few deep breaths outside
There is something about outside air that is refreshing.
The air in your living space can be in circulation for a while, especially in the winter. I like to go outside and take a few deep breaths to relax.
Try it sometime.
5. Tidy up your space
This one is big for me!
When my space isn’t cleaned up, I feel too distracted by everything around me.
It definitely helps to clean up around you. More space outside of me, helps create more space inside my mind. When I’m feeling open-minded and clear, I always get work done with more focus.
6. Journal your intentions for the rest of the day
At the start of my day, I usually write down a few things.
What I want to do, who I want to be (the version of me that gets the list done) and how I want to feel.
I don’t put a lot of pressure on getting everything done, or living up to my exact intentions. The lists are usually short but they are effective.
Setting intention often leads to me making it happen, or at least as much as I can on that given day.
You can reset your intentions at any time by doing this exercise.
What will you do?
Who will you be? (Ex. if you’re focused on being more organized, affirm that you are an organized human and you’re gonna live like it today).
How will you feel today? (Ex. If you’ve been focused on feeling more energized, affirm that you are and follow up by doing things that make you feel energized).
7. Move your body
I always forget how great it feels to work out when I forget to move for a few days.
It helps build confidence, get your energy flowing, and generally make you feel good. Taking time to move your body makes a big difference.
8. Meditate
Meditation is a powerful way to reset.
I love to take a moment to reconnect with my mind, body, and spirit through meditation.
I’ve been exploring and enjoying breathwork especially when I feel overwhelmed.
I always feel refreshed after focusing on my breath. I use the headspace app to meditate, or the Fiton app (a great free option), or I take a few moments with myself to listen to my breath on my own.
A few thoughts to take away
These things work for me at this moment in my life, the same things might work for you, or they might not.
Find a way to reset and refresh that makes you feel energized, relaxed and ready to tackle the rest of your day.
You can seek out inspiration in books, influencers, or other spaces. Try keeping a list of a few activities that make you feel good nearby. I keep one in my phone. Whenever I need a little motivation, focus, or energy I check out my list and do something that feels good.